Christian Aid Moveable Feast

Book your place now!

This year's event will take place on Saturday 21st September. It will start at 6 o'clock and end at around 10.

During the course of the evening you will be treated to 3 delicious courses in 3 different homes, finishing with coffee and biscuits.

Tickets are £25 (or as you are able); all proceeds will go to Christian Aid.

Booking is open until Friday 20th September.

Add To Cart

After adding the quantity of tickets you’d like to the cart, don’t forget to checkout.

If you have any food allergies or other dietary requirements, please email with details ahead of the feast. Also, please let us know if you have any mobility issues, as some of the venues require stairs for access.

Where does your money go? How is Christian Aid’s income used?

  • 85p in every £1 is used for direct charitable purposes

  • Of this, 32p supports our long-term development projects, 45p is spent on humanitarian and emergencies and 8p on campaigning, advocacy and education.

  • The remaining 15p is invested in fund-raising. For every £1 we invest, we secure more than £6 in return.