New Team Rector Appointed 


We are pleased to announce that the Reverend Sally Hitchiner has been appointed as the new Team Rector of North Lambeth Parish.

Sally is currently the Associate Vicar for Ministry at St Martin-in-the-Fields church in London. In this role she is responsible for the Congregational Life and Public Ministry, overseeing the religious services, congregational care and activities and the faith outreach of the church.

Sally is in a civil partnership with Fiona who is a civil servant. They are both very much looking forward to meeting everyone in St Anselm’s and the wider North Lambeth Parish when she starts in the Autumn.

Sally says: “St Anselm’s is a church on the crossroads both literally and figuratively, calling together people of many different backgrounds and passions. It has a reputation of being a watering hole for those who come to it for hope, friendship, and to find God.

“I am full of joy as I think of joining with you and the wider parish of North Lambeth to discover Jesus with us again, at this crossroads, pouring out the riches of who he is among us and leading us on.”